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+ 47 Zip album project


2024 Mongolian BBQ - The last refuge of scoundrels
(+ MORE by this artist) + OTHER sound series

01 the Amhurst cafe.wav
02 Where is the Airport 2024 mix.wav
03 Transmitter in Tibet.wav
04 Everyday is a Second Chance.wav
05 Walking in the unlit streets.wav
06 Industrial Espionage 2024.wav
07 Is he Smiling or is it Prozac - Taipei niteclub mix.wav
08 Desolate Crowds from the Alien Cypher Dance LP.wav
09 Industrial Espionage Gokken mix.wav
10 Transmitter in Tibet berlin night club mix.wav
11 is he smiling or is it Prosak (lake mix).wav
is he smiling or is it Prosak (lake mix).WAV

Mongolian BBQ - The Last Home of Scoundrels

1. The Amhurst cafe E8
2. Where is the Airport 2024 mix
3. Transmitter in Tibet
4. Everyday is a Second Chance
5. Walking in the unlit streets
6. Industrial Espionage 2024 mix
7. Is he Smiling or is it Prozac - Taipei niteclub mix
8. Desolate Crowds
9. Industrial Espionage (Gokken mix)
10.Transmitter in Tibet - Berlin niteclub mix
11.Is he Smiling or is it Prozac (Lake mix)

In their third album Mongolian BBQ explore new sonic landscapes like two semi - randomic sonic guerillas exploring both places and landscapes as yet to be discovered (or rediscovered) ..
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Equipment list : Roland JDXi,Korg Wavestate,Casio CTK 50,Casio VL TONE,
Yamaha PSS - 460 keyboard,Korg Kaosilator, music recorded on a Zoom R 8 digital recorder.

* The "song" Walking in the unlit streets was recorded on a car bonnet in the south waikato town of Otorohanga, south of Hamilton (in New Zealand).The song would of been the first experimental Industrial "Electrotrash" song ever recorded in Otorohanga.

Re-mixes and reformed songs from the original 4 track masters from 2001
Vocal tracks taken from the 4 track masters with new music added in August 2024
Special extended mix on Transmitter in Tibet, envisioned as being played in a night club in Vienna with people sitting at tables whilst the 'live' band disappear behind a curtain.


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